This was a multi-variant test that looked at what would happen to Room and Ticket sales if we changed the booking process flow. It ran several iterations, refining the Image selections and simplifying the copy messaging.

The final test showed an uplift in our 90-Day Estimated Revenue Impact against Control.

+14% Room sales & +$40M Packages sales


Problem: When a Guest wants to book a room at a Disney World hotel, they are forced to walk through the Packages flow that includes Disney Parks tickets regardless if the Guest asked for Room-Only, resulting in abandonment before reaching Checkout.

Hypothesis: Based on market research, the team felt that if we reduce the friction by bypassing the Tickets selection page straight to the Checkout flow, the Guest is more likely to complete the transaction and increase our overall sales or Rooms. However, there was fear from executives that we would lose significant revenue from Packages if the Guest doesn't visit the Ticket page.


The initial test looked at the standard flow and a more streamlined flow that skipped the Ticket page straight to Cart. The multi-variants tests included the most recent Space Mountain ride image and several benefits messaging including FastPass+ and Dining.

Initial results showed a negative (-1%) results on overall sales.


After simplifying the messaging to focus on just one benefit (FastPass+), I focused on the media and taking account for the behavior and psychology of our Guests, in this case our busy stay-at-home mom who gets online at 10pm with a glass of wine after putting her 2 kids to bed and finalizing their budget, and now has some time to shop around for their dream vacation.


AB Testing Dumbo
AB Testing Dumbo

Relationships & Dreams

The final test focused on imagery. I explained to my leadership that I postulate that the motivation of our busy mom was to transfer her own childhood experience and sense of wonder and safety to her children.

Leadership also wanted to see relationship pictures with a more direct approach of "this could be you" in the park.


Results & Insights

The primary goal of the test showed that by getting out of the way of the Guest and allowing them to go directly to what they asked for, they are more likely to complete their purchase.

Secondarily, we also showed that the proper use of photography to match the motivation of our personas significantly affects their mood to purchase and overcome the friction.

• Room-Only: Upwards of +14% in sales

• Packages: +$40M in additional sales